Flies seem to be really bad this year. I've heard lots of people make comments about how bad the flies are. Personally they gross me out. I can't stand them. It's been a constant battle every spring to get rid of the flies. However, this year it has carried into the summer. There always seems to be one or two in the house at all times lately. However, I have noticed the past few days there has been an infestation in my bathroom. Specifically the little room where the toilet is. I mean, you kill 10 and there are 20 more on the wall. It's been bad. After church today while the kids were eating I had enough. I took the swatter in there and started killing them. I wasn't making any progress. For every one fly I killed there were 10 more in its spot. I was on the verge of going crazy. Mr. Mayer came in and took a turn in killing the flies while I went and laid the kids down for naps. He posted this on Facebook not long ago "Kids are freakin gross. That's all I...