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So.....a while back I may or may not have given Mr. Mayer some crap for packing my shoes and nearly having to go barefoot through a couple of airports. Because. Seriously. He packed my shoes. Now, I should probably come clean. I typically forget to pack something every time we go somewhere. Most of the time I forget to pack a child's underwear. Why? I have no idea. Maybe because they are small? Beats me. This trip to my inlaws is no different. Totally forgot to pack the Dudes some underwear. We discovered this at 6:15 this morning. Thanksgiving morning no less.  Happy turkey day!!! So, being a good little Mom I wash the Dudes underwear, or "underwears" as #2 calls them. When they are washed and dried I promptly dress the Dudes and #2 promptly pees his pants. Doh! Of course he did. Now my child who LOVES his penis is going commando. You can imagine how much he is loving this. I may never get him back in his underwears again.

A Lazy Weekend....

Let's all face it...having a weekend when you have little to nothing to do is a very rare occurrence. At least in my family it is. When I looked at our calendar and saw we had NOTHING on the calendar for Saturday and one brief mandatory event on Sunday afternoon I felt like doing cartwheels. I mean. If I could do cartwheels I would do one. But I can't so I didn't. Anyway....nothing. Zilch. Not. A. Thing. It was so nice. Saturday we got up and went and worked out with my personal trainer (ugh, that will be a separate post. I caved. I hope it works). Then we went home and did a bunch of nothing. And showered. That was a must. After the Dudes took a brief nap (we are taking shorter and shorter naps these days. If there is a nap at all. This is sad news for me) we loaded up and went to Cherry Berry for some ice cream. That made for some very excited kids. After ice cream we went to the Pumpkin Patch. It's mandatory you go this time of year if you have kids. Judging by the c...

An Open Letter to My Babysitter

Dear Babysitter~ I don't hire babysitters willy nilly because I like paying someone else to watch my kids. My husband and I needed a babysitter yesterday to watch our children because we had to be somewhere else. Yes . I have three children. Yes . I am probably more laid back than a lot of other parents I know. Yes . They are active, loud, boisterous children. Yes . They are a lot of work. However, I am putting a lot of trust in you. I am trusting you with three of the most important things in my life. I expect you to treat them as if they are three of the most important things in my life. When my husband called me yesterday afternoon and told me our daughter, our 6 year old daughter , was missing my heart sank. When he said that you had let her "go for a walk" with a little girl, but you weren't sure of the other child's name,  I panicked. When I called my neighbors and they did not know where you were or who the little girl they had seen you with was I cried. ...

When Did This Happen?

I had a realization last I was getting up in the middle of the night to potty....that I have gotten older. I have always been a very sound sleeper. With the exception of children waking me up at night I rarely wake up at night. Except, as I realized last night, I am waking up more often in the middle of the night to go pee. OMG!! I AM TURNING INTO MY MOTHER!!! I always wondered when I was a kid why she ALWAYS got up in the middle of the night to pee. I get it. Over the past few months I am waking up more and more often to pee. In my mind I am still that wide eyed 17 year old who was ready to take on the world. My body is telling me other things. I have weird aches and pains. My bladder shrank. My hair is going grey. I can't stay up all night anymore. Well, who am I kidding? I have never been able to stay up all night. I have experienced heartburn. I mean, seriously. I am not old enough for these issues. Am I? Before long I'm going to be hitting the early bird spe...

24 Day Challenge

So.....I have been trying to lose weight and improve my over all health. After the worst picture ever was taken of me last summer I have strived to be more conscious of my choices. And, I started going to the gym more. I wasn't that serious about it at first, but gradually I got there. In March things were starting to go well. By the end of May I was down nearly 30 pounds and feeling like I was conquering my demons. I even liked myself a little. Then a terrible summer happened. I thought my Mom was going to die and I spent what seemed like every other day in my small hometown. Welcome back nearly 10 pounds, old demons, and less frequent gym trips. I wasn't feeling so great about myself by the time we went on our family vacation the end of July. So, I recommitted myself when we got back. I was doing alright. But, just alright. I was going to the gym again. I was trying to eat healthy. I lost a few pounds but just felt stuck. The scale wasn't really moving. I had read abo...

This Tooth Fairy Business

                             If you have kids you have or will be faced with the Tooth Fairy at some point in time. For us, we are smack in the middle of the Tooth Fairy farce. We've been here for almost 2 years I think. Maybe? our house Mr. Mayer is the Tooth Fairy. We have had the discussion on how much to pay out per tooth. Apparently my suggestion of $.25 was silly. We are about 4 or 5 teeth in to the gig. Things have been going smoothly. Mr. Mayer waits until we go to bed because by then Diva is sound asleep and never knows anyone was there. We were smug thinking we had this thing down pat. Then last night happened. We were getting ready for bed. Diva had written a letter to the Tooth Fairy. Me being awesome wrote a response from the Tooth Fairy. I sent Mr. Mayer upstairs with money and note in hand. Then he runs back downstairs with a look of panic. He totally got busted. Diva's door squeaks a l...

A Wonderful Trip

The end of July we took the family vacation of a lifetime. We went on a Disney cruise. You all know how the trip ended . All I can say is that the rest of the trip was AH-MAZ-ING!! I can't wait to be able to take another one. We sailed on the Disney Fantasy. When we booked our trip our itinerary was St. Thomas, St. Maarten and Disney Castaway Cay. When we arrived on board our itinerary had changed to Castaway Cay, San Juan and St. Thomas. There was a tropical storm we were trying to avoid. I was okay with that. Now....prior to the cruise Mr. Mayer and I neither one had EVER been on a cruise of any sort. Other than taking the kids to my in laws house in New Mexico we had not taken them on any other vacations. We were going to have to get up at 4AM to catch our flight to Florida. Needless to say I was very anxious about this trip. I was anxious about traveling with 3 kids. Two of which had never flown. I was anxious that Disney told us to drop our luggage off in Tulsa and it would...

The Beginning

So, this happened on Saturday. I'm pretty excited for future mishaps. My feet are equally excited. Mr. Mayer was really sympathetic to my plight. We have some super romantic text conversations. It's equally as exciting in person. Don't be jealous. 

That Thing With My Shoes

We made it home!! Vacations are FANTASTIC, but a lot of WORK!! Yikes I'm tired. We all had a great time. We did the pre-boarding thing that Disney offered. We leave our luggage in the hallway and they take it to the airport and check it for us and we pick it up at our final destination. Super easy. Especially when traveling with children. Sounds great, right? We had to have all of our luggage in the hallway last night by 10:30pm. Ugh. We drew the short straw this week and had the late dinner time. We didn't get out of dinner until 10pm each night. I did some packing yesterday afternoon. I had everything ready to go except our dinner clothes and toiletries. MY plan was to come back after dinner and shove our dinner clothes in a suitcase and pack all the toiletries except the absolute necessities for the next morning. You know, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant. That last one is a MUST! I thought I had it together. I should know though after years of travel with Mr. Ma...

So...That Happened.

Flies seem to be really bad this year. I've heard lots of people make comments about how bad the flies are. Personally they gross me out. I can't stand them. It's been a constant battle every spring to get rid of the flies. However, this year it has carried into the summer. There always seems to be one or two in the house at all times lately. However, I have noticed the past few days there has been an infestation in my bathroom. Specifically the little room where the toilet is. I mean, you kill 10 and there are 20 more on the wall. It's been bad. After church today while the kids were eating I had enough. I took the swatter in there and started killing them. I wasn't making any progress. For every one fly I killed there were 10 more in its spot. I was on the verge of going crazy. Mr. Mayer came in and took a turn in killing the flies while I went and laid the kids down for naps. He posted this on Facebook not long ago "Kids are freakin gross. That's all I...

While The Parent's Are Away...

Two weeks ago Mr. Mayer and I finally made our long awaited anniversary trip. We went to Las Vegas. I wanted a pool, sunshine and somewhere close enough we could get home quick. With everything happening in my life and the kids being so young I thought that would be best. Vegas it was. It was so nice to get away. We had a great time. We went and saw some shows. If anyone ever has an opportunity to see Peepshow go do it! It was such a fun time. I laughed until I cried. We slept in. Did a little shopping. We also went and saw the Neon Museum. That was fantastic. It was full of oldVegas signs and a lot of nostalgia. The man doing our tour knew a lot of history and could tell us fun stories about old Vegas. One night we went to Freemont Street. I love street performers. Freemont Street is crawling with them. They are so fun to watch. We also went and toured the Mob Museum. That was another amazing and interesting place! There was a lot of this...   We tried to keep the trip ve...


The past 5 weeks have been a roller-coaster of emotion. My Mom is 76 and needed bypass surgery. The original surgery was postponed for medical reasons to a later date at the last minute. A week later Mom was admitted to the hospital with dangerously high blood pressure. She remained in the hospital for a week and a half and the decision was made to go ahead with her bypass. The date was set. I made plans to drive to Sherman Texas so I could be there with her. I was half way to Sherman the morning of her surgery when Aunt Kathy called. Mom's surgery was supposed to be at 1pm that day. Kathy called at 7:45 and said that she just got a call from the hospital and they moved Mom's surgery up to 8am that day. They were taking her back as we spoke. I was crushed. My Mom was going into major surgery and no one was there with her. I spent the remainder of the drive crying. I make it to Texas. I check in with the front desk and they update me on her progress. An hour later my Dad an...

36 Hours

Captain Morgan and his brother In the past 36 hours lots of exciting things have been happening at my little insane asylum. I have been potty training the Dudes for a few weeks now. They were doing great at the pee thing. I could not convince them to poop in the potty. I bribed them with everything I could think of. I even promised them I would buy them rocket ships like the Little Einsteins. Ugh...nothing was working. Until yesterday. Owen all of a sudden decided he would go poop in the potty. He hasn't pooped in his underwear once since then. HALLELUJAH!!!!! WHOO HOO!!! He thinks he's a pretty big deal. Me too. I guess I owe him a rocket ship. I'm hoping that peer pressure will get to Carter and he'll catch up pretty soon. Cross your fingers! Also in the past 36 hours both Dudes have decided they like to take showers. What the What?! Up until last night you would think we were pouring acid over their bodies the way they reacted to showers. Last night their sister...

Gymnastics Yo

Nice picture huh? Getting 3 kids to look at me and pose at the same time is impossible. This was the best I could get. They were trying to show me their ribbons. There were people waiting and I took about 8 pictures to get this gem of a picture. Diva has been doing gymnastics for about a year and half now. She LOVES it. Over the course of her gymnastics career the Dudes have been sitting in a little windowed room watching her. Every once and a while they would sneak through the door and try to join the class. My plan was to sign them up the second they turn 3. The facility we go to has a Mommy and Me class for kids under 3. Problem being there is one Mommy and two Me's. Doesn't really work out. One of Diva's instructor's, Miss Bailey, has watched the Dudes and their friend Fynn whose sisters do gymnastics with Diva. She has seen them sneak into class and how active they are. Three weeks ago Miss Bailey let the 3 boys do a trial class. Fynn's birthday is the d...

Potty Training Twins Is Not For The Weak

It's been a looonnnnnggggg week of potty training. I was hopeful, and honestly they are doing better than Olivia was at this point in the game. I reached a point this afternoon when I was telling myself that diapers were easier. I am confident enough to say that Owen is 90% trained. Most of the time he will come and tell me when he has to potty and then go potty. He has even woken up dry every morning except this morning. At nap time I tried to put a diaper on him but he takes it off. But, he stays dry during nap time. Over the course of the week we have managed to get 1 poop in the potty. Today he pooped his pants 3 times. Grrr....I'm taking it much harder than I should. Carter on the other hand is a whole other story. He pees in the potty about half the time if that much. To say I'm frustrated is an understatement. He did really great the first few days of potty training. He would tell me when he needed to go potty and didn't have any accidents. Then it all fell a...

Day 3...

Today was day 3 of the 3 day potty boot camp. I'm not sure what I was expecting. I have felt very frustrated this evening with the Dudes. But, as I sit here typing and looking at their little potty charts for the day I feel silly that I was so frustrated this evening. They did great. I'm crazy to think they would be 100% accident free at 32 months old and 3 days in big boy underwear. This morning started off great. The Dudes got up and we trotted them off to the bathroom. Owen went pee pee immediately. Carter did not. They had breakfast and we went upstairs. It was a full hour until Carter told me he had to go to the potty. But then he went. All morning I would tell the Dudes to "Tell Mommy when you have to go potty." And they would. There weren't as many false alarms this morning. When they said they had to potty they went potty. Mid morning Owen got really still and said he had to go poop. We ran to the bathroom. He sat down on the potty and went poop. A litt...

Day 2....

  Day 2 was not without some frustration. We started the morning off strong. Owen peed in the potty first thing this morning. Carter waited over an hour and then pooped in his underwear. However, sometime this morning Carter got it. He started peeing in the potty. There were even times he would tell me he had to potty and we would go in and he would sit down and pee. He had three accidents all day after he pooped in his pants. Proud Mama over here! Owen had a lot more accidents today. It frustrated me because he did so good yesterday that today it just kinda went down the drain. I think he turned it into a game and I'm not real sure what to do about that. He would say about every 30 seconds he had to potty. We would go to the potty and nothing. He would sit there and giggle, laugh and wiggle around on the potty. Then he would get up and go play. A minute later he was back on the potty. was exhausting. And majorly frustrating for me. He only peed in his pants a few tim...

Day 1

I bit the bullet and started potty training. The Dudes finished preschool last week and don't start their summer camp until June so I thought this was as good a time as any. That and I was getting tired of them taking their diapers off telling me they were yucky. Ugh. Hunting dirty diapers is not very much fun. I decided I would do the 3 day boot camp I had heard so much about. However, we are still using diapers/pull ups at night~for now. Unfortunately my life isn't one where I can be completely at home. I still have to pick up Olivia from school and her various activities. Other than picking her up today we didn't have to leave the house for anything else which was nice. However, dealing with her this afternoon was frustrating. There were some jealousy issues. I tried to explain that her brother's need my attention right now, but she wasn't buying it. It was a frustrating afternoon. I'm hoping some sleep does everyone good. So this morning I put some ...

Gym Etiquette?

I have been a gym rat for a while now....I have years of research on the subject of gym etiquette. The main thing I have learned is that I am doing it all wrong.  Appearance I have come to realize that what you look like at the gym is very important.  Drawers: I'm still a little confused on whether you wear underwear or not with your workout gear. I used to think that it was mandatory to wear gigantic granny panties while you worked out. However, since I have joined my new gym I have realized that going commando is the thing to do. There is no way anyone is wearing gigantic granny panties with the spandex shorty shorts I'm seeing around that place. On men and women. And men....don't waste time on putting on bike shorts under your very loose and shiny athletic shorts. It's way cuter when you are free ballin'. It's really great if you can adjust yourself every .05 seconds. Women really love that.  Outfit: The outfit is super important. Shirts and p...

So, Good News Is I Didn't Pee Myself...

Seriously, this is exciting news. I have had 3 kids. I have had 3 gigantic kids. Two of those giants were vaginal deliveries. #3 decided to be spontaneous and insist on a C-section. Yeah, that was fun. So, the exciting result of 3 kids that NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT?! You pee yourself. It's true. I leaked a little after I had Diva. After twins? I pee myself. What causes it? Laughing, coughing (bronchitis is a death sentence) , sneezing, jumping, running, hop scotch, jump rope and any other jarring activity. It's embarrassing. And, before anyone says "Oh, just do kegel's. It will stop that." I've been doing kegel's since 2007. It's not helping. I still pee.  So, what happened that I didn't pee myself? I would LOVE to tell you. I went to Body Pump before dawn this morning. Half way during class the instructor had us do a move that was terrifying and caused me to panic a little. Well, a lot. A whole lot. She expected the class to jump on and off of o...

You Win Some, You Lose Some...

I have had a streak lately of making dinners that my kids L-O-V-E. I plan on leftovers and they eat it all for dinner. I knew my good luck was going to run out soon. I'm not used to the happy plate club. Well, my luck ran out tonight. I made a Curry Chicken Salad that I found at 100 Days of Real Food . My kids LOVE chicken salad. Olivia requests it on a regular basis. And meatloaf. Seriously. What kind of kid requests chicken salad and meatloaf as her two favorite foods? I saw a different recipe for chicken salad and thought it sounded like a yummy alternative to the normal one I make. And better yet, it was somewhat healthy. I had some chopped turkey in the freezer I pulled out instead of chicken. Same difference right? Also, I added raisins and some apple to the salad thinking that would be yummy in it. The first thing I discovered tonight is that my kids no longer like raisins. I'm not sure when that happened. Pretty sure they were eating them a few days ago. I'm really ...

It's Not Wednesday, But This Is What She Wore

I guess you can say 'What She Wore Thursday.' It was just to good not to share! She tried to get away with just wearing the shirt and, no. No. Just no. Not the look I want my 6 year old to have! I told her to put on a skirt, pants, dress, something. This is what she came up with.


Monday, as I was taking off my seat covers in the kitchen to wash~again....the thought hit me. Why don't I just recover the seats in something that can be wiped off? My current method of washing my seat covers almost daily and using my little green machine to clean the chairs on a regular basis was exhausting. So...thinking that I am a GENIUS I load the Dudes up and we go to the fabric store. I was tempted by all the fun patterns and colors, but opted for a dark "coffee" color in a faux leather. I bring the fabric home and it sits on my counter for 2 days. Why? Because, I have no earthly idea how to recover a chair. None. Nada. Zilch. So, me recovering all 6 of my kitchen chairs is a GENIUS idea. Right? This morning was another rainy, cold, miserable day. The Dudes were playing and happy this morning so I thought it was as good a time as any to recover some chairs. I consult the all knowing and wise Google on what I should do. Luckily you type in "How to recover a...