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Showing posts from February, 2018

Mom Day

This guy, #2. Out of all my kids this one is the most like me. He's easy going, talkative, happy to be here and a total hot mess. Because he is so chill, and other than the occasional trip to the ER for stitches, he doesn't have many other needs or demands. Lately his brother and sister have been getting all my undivided attention. Between seizures, cheer and the flu my focus has been on them. #2 has just carried on without any complaints. He's rarely sick and was a little miffed that the other two had the flu and got to stay home with me on school days. So, I let him play hooky a couple of weeks ago. Normally I am very strict about them going to school and not missing. But, the other two have got to spend a lot of one on one time with me lately for illnesses, cheer, birthdays and doctors appointments, so I decided that #2 could have a day.  He was so excited when the day arrived. His brother and sister were not nearly as excited as he was! We had no plans other than h

Valentine's Day Traditions

It's Valentine's Day once again...some people love it, other's hate it, or there are those of us that are more neutral to the holiday. I fall into the neutral column. I can't get over the inflated prices, and the flood of hearts, candy and stuffed animals everywhere. It's a little much for me. I also don't understand why you need a special day to declare your love, I'm more of a show it every day kinda gal. Oh well, just my two cents. My kids L O V E it, so I celebrate a little bit for them. I always get them a small gift, some candy and a card. This year was small stuffed pillow things, some chocolates and silly cards. I have sent them flowers in the past, but that doesn't happen very much. #2 thinks it's weird to get flowers from his mom. The kids all have their school parties today and carted bags of valentines to give to their friends and teachers. We've been so busy that I put the kids valentine's together for them yesterday. We used