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Showing posts from 2015

Looks Like We Made It.....

Wow! I haven't blogged since February. Sorry y'all. I know everyone is dying to know what's been going on. The theme the past few weeks has been....SURVIVAL. I am the proud parent of some super energetic/hyper/active/drive me nuts kids. We've had a little too much togetherness lately. But guess what? School started today. School started today for EVERYONE. I repeat. EVERYONE WENT TO SCHOOL TODAY!! WHOO HOO!! The Dudes started Pre-K today at the Diva's school. It's all day, everyday Pre-K. I'm not sad about this. Truth is I'm not an emotional parent. I don't cry when they do "firsts" or start school or any of that jazz. I get very excited. I am so excited about them going to school. I may have been more excited than the boys. Maybe. It's not that I want to rush my kids growing up. I am so excited to get to watch them grow up. The older they get the more adventures and experiences we get to have. I get to witness these little humans turn

It's a Glamorous Life

I. Am. Having. A. Day. Y'all. I mean. Seriously. It has been like a riot at Circus School or something around here today. And loud. Very very loud. My day kinda started off kilter early this morning when I slept through my alarm and missed my gym class. I'm still convinced it's because I needed the extra sleep. Mr. Mayer and I have been binging on Netflix for weeks and staying up way to late most nights. This doesn't go well with a 4:45am alarm clock. As you can see from my subsequent posts the day continued to go crazy. This is my life people. Don't be jealous :) Currently #3 is riding #2 like a horse around the living room and force feeding him "apples." This will not end well.

My Meth Mouth

Hey y'all! I had my wisdom teeth and some extras taken out last week. I'm finally starting to feel like myself today. 6 days later! I won't lie- I was terrified about having my teeth pulled. I had actually put my wisdom teeth off successfully for 14 years. My dentist was appalled I kept refusing. They stayed swollen and sore 90% of the time. Over time it was just something I had gotten used to and took ibuprofen when the pain was really bad. No biggie. I planned to have my wisdom teeth with me until death. My main fear? Dry sockets. Dumb, I know, but I was paralyzed with fear of dry sockets. Mainly because I don't like pain and those that I have seen with dry sockets make it seem absolutely horrible. I had a friend (hey Jess!) have her wisdom teeth taken out years ago. She got dry sockets. Then she came back to work a few days later and looked like she had been in the losing end of a prize fight. Nope. No way. Not having it. I'll deal. Fast forward to two weeks ago

I Can Still Hear You

The Dudes and I were having lunch together today. I was hangry and not in the mood for silliness. Of course that is when they want to be at their silliest. #2 looks and smiles at me sweetly and says "Hey Mom! You want to see a trick we can do?" I responded with a no, not really. I want to eat. I am hangry and want to be left alone. Unsatisfied with my response #3 says "Watch this!" Now- let me give you a brief set up of my kitchen table. It's a rectangle table. We have 4 chairs and a bench. The Dudes were sitting on a bench. Also, let me remind everyone that #2 is my accident prone child. He has already had stitches twice (once from falling off a toilet) and a concussion. He is covered in bruises and cuts 100% of the time. Like his Mama walking is challenging for him. As #3 is finishing his "Hey, hold my beer and watch this" sentence he's on his knees and bends and lays his head on the bench. #2 stands up and stands on #3's back. He is about to

Check Me Out!

Check me out on Dwellable today!! I'm excited. If only I could figure out a way to make writing a regular and income producing gig :) This was still a fun project.