Wow! I haven't blogged since February. Sorry y'all. I know everyone is dying to know what's been going on. The theme the past few weeks has been....SURVIVAL. I am the proud parent of some super energetic/hyper/active/drive me nuts kids. We've had a little too much togetherness lately. But guess what? School started today. School started today for EVERYONE. I repeat. EVERYONE WENT TO SCHOOL TODAY!! WHOO HOO!! The Dudes started Pre-K today at the Diva's school. It's all day, everyday Pre-K. I'm not sad about this. Truth is I'm not an emotional parent. I don't cry when they do "firsts" or start school or any of that jazz. I get very excited. I am so excited about them going to school. I may have been more excited than the boys. Maybe. It's not that I want to rush my kids growing up. I am so excited to get to watch them grow up. The older they get the more adventures and experiences we get to have. I get to witness these little humans turn