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Showing posts from January, 2011

Where I'm From (a fun poem)

I am from a huge old oak tree in the back yard with a swing made just for me, from a front porch swing and roller skates in the carport. I am from the yellow house on the corner with the big trees, bells on the door and windows all around. I am from peanuts, hay, red dirt and "making the drag" on a Saturday night.  I am from picking up pecans and birthday dinners, from Mama and Aunt Kathy and Miley. I am from the lazy Sunday afternoons and watching old black and white movies. From "be kind to others" and "You can be anything you want." I am from the center church pew and shaking hands on Sunday. I'm from small town America and parents that didn't have to be, fried chicken and a pot of beans. From the place everyone knows you and your parents know before you get home, a gas station on the highway and Friday night football. I am from my cousin and I putting on makeup and wearing Daddy's boots when we couldn't even spell our names. I ...

Thanksgiving Thursday

I haven't done a Thanksgiving Thursday in a while! Today I am thankful for her... My little Diva doing her best supermodel pose. She will be 4 in a week. How can that be?! She's very independent. She's been picking out her own clothes since this summer. She is very proud of the outfits she creates. Most of the time she does really well. Then there are days she takes some creative liberties and wears striped leggings with a striped shirt and hot pink sparkle shoes. She's a very big deal. Just ask her.  She's quiet the ham...

My Little Crossed Eyed Cutie

Today was the day...the day that Donkey had to go see the Ophthalmologist. It all started about a month ago when at their 4-month check up Doctor says "Have we talked about his eyes?" While he was holding Donkey. So, Donkey's eyes looked a little crossed. And, occasionally they crossed and it looked like he couldn't uncross them. Mr. Hubs and I just teased him and said it gave him character. So by the time we left the doctor's office that fateful day we had a referral letter and directions to take Donkey to see someone. I made the appointment and took in both boys this morning. I was hoping that since I was already there Dr. Eyes could just glance at Shrek as well. To kick the morning off Shrek spit up on me, all over, as I was putting him in his car seat. Usually I would just wipe it off and carry on with my business. Gross, I know, but that's my reality. Not this morning. I was soaked. Great, now I had to change.  So, after my wardrobe change I finally get ...

Looking Forward to Monday?

Yup, you read that right. I'm looking forward to Monday. I am a creature of habit and routine. I feel better when I have some sort of routine. I had court last week for my former life so my in-laws came to watch the babies. I love my in-laws, it's just a break in routine when we have company. They stayed the night because the next day I had LASIK! Which is very exciting and I am on day 4 and seeing 20/20. I haven't done that since Kindergarten. The first thing Mr. Hubs told me as they walked me out of the "operating room" was "Wow, your eyes were way worse than mine. They had to laser you for wwwwaaaaayyyy longer than me." I was so blind. Mr. Hubs was a very good nurse. Saturday instead of having a lazy day around the house Mr. Hubs and I took the babies and went on a shopping spree. me indigestion to think about. Though the babies did really well on our shopping extravaganza. No fits at all. We've been shopping around for about 8 years f...

I Just Taught Myself How To Add Pictures To My Blog...

It's about time I figured it out. We went and stayed with family over New Year's. Diva rode a horse  and  a big green tractor.                    She thought she was a VERY big deal getting to ride Goldie on New Year's Day Mr. Hubs dabbles in photography. He never gives himself enough credit. He had to watch Shrek and Donkey for a few hours this weekend. This is how he spent his time...                                                           Mr. Hubs took this picture for the boys 3 month is my favorite

4 Months Have Gone By seems like yesterday I was in the hospital having Shrek and Donkey and today they are 4 months old. There have been a few times in the past 4 months when I was not sure I was going to survive another day. I still have those days. There are days I think Mr. Hubs wants to run away. In the past 4 months I have gone on less sleep than I ever thought physically possible. I have gone longer without a shower than I ever have in my life. I have talked to more strangers than I have ever wanted to and survived. I was told that twins were hard. Mr. Hubs and I have agreed that if twins had been first they would have been the only. But, every time they give me a smile, hit another developmental milestone, or snuggle with me it erases all the misery of the last 4 months. There is something special about a baby. Today was Shrek and Donkey's 4 month check up at the doctor. Mr. Hubs was off work today so he had the pleasure of going with us. I thought things went much better than the 2 mo...