I am from a huge old oak tree in the back yard with a swing made just for me, from a front porch swing and roller skates in the carport. I am from the yellow house on the corner with the big trees, bells on the door and windows all around. I am from peanuts, hay, red dirt and "making the drag" on a Saturday night. I am from picking up pecans and birthday dinners, from Mama and Aunt Kathy and Miley. I am from the lazy Sunday afternoons and watching old black and white movies. From "be kind to others" and "You can be anything you want." I am from the center church pew and shaking hands on Sunday. I'm from small town America and parents that didn't have to be, fried chicken and a pot of beans. From the place everyone knows you and your parents know before you get home, a gas station on the highway and Friday night football. I am from my cousin and I putting on makeup and wearing Daddy's boots when we couldn't even spell our names. I ...