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Showing posts from November, 2011

Keeping with Tradition

Today was one of those stay in your stretchy pants and catch up around the house sort of day. I was able to finish up some Christmas gifts I was putting together. Whew! That is a weight off my mind. The Dudes were mildly cranky. They would play a while and cry a while. I'm sure it had nothing to do with me completely putting them on the back burner today so I could get my projects done. They don't really like it when Mommy ignores them. The Diva had another fantastic day at school. Woot Woot!! Mr. Mayer went out with a friend tonight so it's just been the kids and I. I decided I wanted to go to another spin class (I went yesterday). I loaded everyone up and off we went. Spin was great. We came home and I got everyone in bed in 45 minutes. I was feeling pretty proud of myself. I had just sat down when I saw I had a voicemail from my sister/aunt.  Now...I'm going to preface this next part by saying 1.) I'm adopted. I was adopted by my paternal grandparents. I call t...

Monday Monday Monday

Ack!! It's Monday! What the What?! I'm not sure where last week went. Hope everyone out there had a fantastic holiday. I had big plans to write a Thankful blog last week. Didn't happen. In fact I had 3 or 4 blogs written in my head. Those didn't happen. I could go and write them all and inundate everyone with 5 blogs tonight. I won't do that to you. I will just try to write the blogs as they come to me. It may happen. Just to catch you up on this crazy Mayer clan. Mr. Mayer: The Pokes had their first loss recently. How do you think he's doing? Bedlam is this week. Check in with me on Sunday. Shrek and Donkey: Little bit of a runny nose but croup free. Both are running every where. Talking, dancing and causing mayhem daily. We tried the one nap thing again today. I really wanted to go to spin class this morning. I laid them down at 11:30. They slept for about 2 1/2 hours. Great. Around 4:30 this afternoon they lost it. Bedtime came early. I guess they still ...

What She Wore Wednesday

Wednesday already? Sheesh! This week the dudes and the Diva have been sick and/or cutting teeth. It's been a lot of fun around here. Diva has taken up residence in my bed to watch TV and movies. I've had to cut off food from my bed after finding goldfish crumbs on my sheets the other night. Not much of a problem since she is refusing to eat anyway. This has been her standard position since Monday. We have made one trip to see the doctor and one trip to Urgent Care so far. Her temp. is holding steady at 103.5. Urgent Care told me last night it's not concerning until it is around 107 or 108. I told the doctor that I would keel over if that were to happen. Shrek has croup and Donkey is cutting some teeth. They both want to be cuddled and held all day. I keep telling myself that the household stuff can wait. So, I'm holding babies and little girls and watching a lot of Sesame Street. I'm hoping that the fever breaks today. It played a trick on me last night. She was ...

Viva Las Vegas

I have to give props to Mr. Mayer. He's really good at the birthday thing. The first year we were married he took me to a spa in Hot Springs. I had never been to a spa. It was fantastic. Another year he took me to Kansas City. Last year he sent me to Dallas with a friend for a weekend away from kids and all the shopping I could handle. This year he really raised the bar and took me to Las Vegas. I had never been. It was very exciting. The trip was supposed to be a surprise. I just knew we were going somewhere. He accidentally spilled the beans a couple of weeks ago. However~I still didn't know where we were staying in Vegas. I was a little apprehensive about leaving the kids. It was only the 2nd time I had ever left Owen and Carter. Lame. I know. Olivia was doing a song at school on Friday for Veteran's Day and I was a little sad we were going to miss that (but a big thanks to the mom who recorded it and shared it with me). But, I was so excited to go somewhere. We board ...

What She Wore Wednesday

Happy Wednesday folks!! My motto lately has been "Inconsistent at best." That is true for my blogging lately as well~sorry. Maybe I can get back on the wagon. In the meantime enjoy this sporadic usual the Diva dressed herself ( and fixed her own hair ) and thought she was HOT STUFF this morning. In case you can't tell from her poses. Sorry for the blurriness. Not real sure what's happening there. Sweater: Target (maybe?) T-shirt: Children's Place Pants: Kohls Boots: Target Headband: Target Hair bow: beats me Attitude: Her father

14 Months

Wow! Time is really flying by...these dudes are 14 months old already. They are busy little bees these days. I can't take my eyes off of them for a second. Owen~ Looking at this picture you would think he was a Trekkie...maybe he will be. Owen is independent. He will play by himself and LOVES putting small things into bigger things. I have found some very interesting things in the laundry baskets over the past couple of weeks.  Anytime he hears music he starts dancing. It's an awkward head bobbing booty popping type of dance. No matter what kind of song is on. It's adorable. He loves his milk as well. It's a full throttle melt down when he runs out. Once Owen warms up to you he is all grins. It just takes him a few minutes. He also loves to talk. He can say a few basic words (Mama, Dada *favorite!*, Hi, Bye). He will shake his head yes or no accordingly. Most of the time he is just talking gibberish and looks at you intently like you know exactly what he is talking ...

What's For Dinner?

I like to cook. I like to try new recipes. I am always on the look out for new and different things. My family doesn't always like some of my experiments. Tonight's experiment worked out really well. I saw French Chicken in a Pot on Today a few weeks ago and have been wanting to try it. Not only was it good. It was ridiculously easy. The folks around here were BIG FANS of dinner as well. The only thing I did differently was add some mushrooms to the pan sauce. I had some I needed to use before they went bad so I sliced them and added them to the pan sauce. Worked out perfectly. I also discovered that O&C really love mushrooms. I made some roasted vegetables to go with it. The dudes at 2 helpings. Diva wouldn't touch her vegetables but ate 2 helpings of the chicken. The vegetables I roasted were sweet potatoes, parsnips and carrots. I diced them and tossed with olive oil, salt and pepper. I baked them at 425 for about 30 minutes. You can cool them on paper towels to so...

Halloween 2011

I would love to know how parents of multiples get any cute pictures of their kids~ together! It's not happening for me. As for all those super "cute" Halloween pictures I was hoping to get. Didn't happen. These kids were way to busy to let me take a picture. On top of that Owen is camera shy. The second he sees a camera he runs off. Makes for some really fantastic pictures. This year Olivia went as Olivia the Pig. We are big fans around here. The dudes were Monkeys. I find that appropriate considering their climbing lately. We also had a pumpkin carving party the night before Halloween. It's always big fun around here.