I'm not an overly gushy person. In fact Mr. Hubs is definitely the more affectionate one in our relationship. I have no reason or excuse for it, it's just the way I'm wired. I would like to change that, but I always stop myself. Again, no reason for it. Usually I let/make Mr. Hubs plan a special Valentine's Day Date. Partly because the first year we were married there was a movie fiasco and he has never let me forget it. The movie Monster was in theaters over Valentine's that year and I really wanted to see it. So, for Valentine's Day I drug Mr. Hubs to see it. It didn't leave him with a warm lovin' feeling. I loved the movie. Since then he has planned our dates. He always does really good. This year I wanted to shake things up and do something special. So, I planned our date. It drove Mr. Hubs crazy because he knew I had something special planned he just didn't know what. He doesn't like surprises. So, the day of our date came and I told him w