I'm sure this is something all parents go through, but the past couple of weeks I have been really noticing how my little Diva isn't so little anymore. Where did the time go? As dumb as this sounds it really hit me Sunday when I was at the mall. The kids are outgrowing their clothes left and right and had some gift cards to Gap. I was looking at the girls clothes in Baby Gap and it was all too small for her. She's a 5 now. That took me back for a minute. Another night not long ago Aunt B, Diva and I were at Target when Aunt B asked me if Diva could wear the big girl clothes yet. It took me a second, but I realized, that yes, she can. Ouch. She's not a baby. I have Apple TV on my living room TV. While it plays music pictures we post on Flickr scroll on the TV. I have pictures from a few months ago mixed in with the most recent pictures. As I watch these pictures scroll by I notice that a few months ago Diva was still pudgy and had a baby face. Lately in her pictures she