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Home Alarms

House alarms are great things. They offer a feeling of safety. They also offer a feeling of sheer terror and panic when they go off when you didn't know they were set. It's happened twice now. The same culprit both times. The first time he was playing on my phone and did it from the app. I put a password on my phone. Problem solved. No more alarms going off in the middle of the day. Or so I thought. I know what you are thinking. That precious little face could never do anything ornery. Well, let me clear something up for you. That's #3. He is a Mama's boy. He can give some crazy good hugs. He is an evil genius. The kid is wicked smart. I can only hope he will use his genius for good someday. Yesterday he was being especially ornery. He was mad at me because I would not let him walk down the street, barefoot, to play with his sister is 30 degree weather. I know! I am the meanest Mama that ever lived. Well, after a couple of attempted breakouts I thought he was finally playing happily upstairs. I even asked #2 if his brother was upstairs. "Yes. Him is." Great. I am an idiot. I was on the phone with my parents and trying to work on a newsletter for my multiples group. Which was not going well. I was chatting with my Dad and #1 comes in and says "The alarm is on." Whatever. She doesn't know what she is talking about. It is the middle of the afternoon. The alarm is not on. Then the alarm goes off and #3 comes running out of the utility room where the main box is. WTF?!?!?! If you have never heard a house alarm they are extremely loud and high pitched. Extremely. Needless to say I got off the phone with my Dad. He was laughing as I hung up. Jerk. Turned the alarm off and the waited for my call. When your house alarm goes off the alarm company calls you to make sure an ax murderer didn't bust in or something. She starts talking and says we had alerts in zones blah, blah, blah....she listed off 4 areas. She then asks if everything is okay. I assure her we are fine. The tone in her voice does not sound like she is convinced. I say it again and tell her my 3 year old set the alarm. She then says "Well, if you are sure and you do not want assistance I will let you go." I again assure her. I'm fine. The 3 year old, maybe not. I can imagine how it seemed from her end. I had kids crying and yelling at each other, phones ringing, dogs barking. I'm sure it was an unconvincing situation. did #3 set the alarm? Beats me. I walk into the utility room and he had restarted my washer and dryer on some random settings. There was a bench in there by the alarm box. I guess he just pushed buttons until something worked. I'm not sure. I'm telling you the kid is an evil genius. An evil genius that had to stick his nose in the corner. He hates that.


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