Well the dudes had their 15 month check up this morning. A big thank you to my friend Amy and KiKi for helping me wrangle them at the doctor's office!! Gosh they are getting big! Carter has felt rotten for 2 days. They have both had snotty noses and a little bit of a cough so I wasn't sure if they would have to have shots this morning. No fear~ they got shot. I hate that.
Here are the stats as of this morning....
Weight: 22.6 lbs~ 22%
Height: 31 inches~ 48%
Head: 47cm~ 46%
Weight: 24.8 lbs~ 51%
Height: 31 1/2 inches~ 63%
Head: 47cm~ 46%
What they are up to....
I'm exhausted.
The past few days they have been playing with each other, a little. Kind of. It counts right?
Owen has been doing things to get a laugh lately. It's funny. He will stick things in his mouth or on his head and walk around and make sure you see him. When you laugh he will take it out/off and start laughing himself. It's so cute.
They both run for the door to go "bye bye" when I get my purse. They both L-O-V-E to go "bye bye."
Words...still a lot of gibberish and then they look at me expectantly like I know exactly what they said. They say bye bye, hi, yum, no, yay, yes, night night, mama, dada, nana...I'm sure there are some I'm missing. Terrible of me.
Running...everywhere. Big runners.
Clapping~ Carter started today completely unprompted sitting in the corner playing by himself. Owen will very soon.
Outside. They love outside. Unfortunately with all the crappy weather and germs that have been living in my house we haven't gotten to go outside much.
Climbing. Carter is a climber. On everything. Lately he's been taking things into his room and stacking it next to his brother's crib and trying to climb in. Today he took his vacuum cleaner in there and climbed on top of it and tried to get in the crib. None of this stuff is ever big enough for him to climb in. Yet. I'm expecting that soon he will be able to crawl in. Just.a.matter.of.time.
Sleep is better. Carter still fights it usually. For example tonight he cried and moaned for an hour before going to sleep. I go in after 15 or 20 minutes and check on him. After that I don't always go in there. I'm terrible. I know. I feel terrible but he usually gets more upset after I've gone in there. Either way I feel terrible.
I've tried moving them to one nap a day a couple of times. It's great until about 4 pm. Then they fall apart for the next couple of hours. It's not worth it. We are still on 2 naps a day.
They are doing so much and changing so much every day. I'm sure I have forgotten some of the things to share. Right now I can't think of it.
They are at a fun age. There has been a lot of laughter in our house lately.
As a side note...We have an elf. Olivia named her Alyssa. Carter discovered her while eating breakfast yesterday. He was talking his head off to her so I took a picture.
Here are the stats as of this morning....
Weight: 22.6 lbs~ 22%
Height: 31 inches~ 48%
Head: 47cm~ 46%
Weight: 24.8 lbs~ 51%
Height: 31 1/2 inches~ 63%
Head: 47cm~ 46%
What they are up to....
I'm exhausted.
The past few days they have been playing with each other, a little. Kind of. It counts right?
Owen has been doing things to get a laugh lately. It's funny. He will stick things in his mouth or on his head and walk around and make sure you see him. When you laugh he will take it out/off and start laughing himself. It's so cute.
They both run for the door to go "bye bye" when I get my purse. They both L-O-V-E to go "bye bye."
Words...still a lot of gibberish and then they look at me expectantly like I know exactly what they said. They say bye bye, hi, yum, no, yay, yes, night night, mama, dada, nana...I'm sure there are some I'm missing. Terrible of me.
Running...everywhere. Big runners.
Clapping~ Carter started today completely unprompted sitting in the corner playing by himself. Owen will very soon.
Outside. They love outside. Unfortunately with all the crappy weather and germs that have been living in my house we haven't gotten to go outside much.
Climbing. Carter is a climber. On everything. Lately he's been taking things into his room and stacking it next to his brother's crib and trying to climb in. Today he took his vacuum cleaner in there and climbed on top of it and tried to get in the crib. None of this stuff is ever big enough for him to climb in. Yet. I'm expecting that soon he will be able to crawl in. Just.a.matter.of.time.
Sleep is better. Carter still fights it usually. For example tonight he cried and moaned for an hour before going to sleep. I go in after 15 or 20 minutes and check on him. After that I don't always go in there. I'm terrible. I know. I feel terrible but he usually gets more upset after I've gone in there. Either way I feel terrible.
I've tried moving them to one nap a day a couple of times. It's great until about 4 pm. Then they fall apart for the next couple of hours. It's not worth it. We are still on 2 naps a day.
They are doing so much and changing so much every day. I'm sure I have forgotten some of the things to share. Right now I can't think of it.
They are at a fun age. There has been a lot of laughter in our house lately.
As a side note...We have an elf. Olivia named her Alyssa. Carter discovered her while eating breakfast yesterday. He was talking his head off to her so I took a picture.
so cute!!