Good Tuesday morning everyone! I could use some happy this morning, how about everyone else? Tulsa, the place that I love, is a pretty tense place right now. My social media sites are filled with a lot of unhappy things right now. I figure we could all use a smile and a good laugh. Right?
I wanted to share with everyone the culinary experiment that has been happening at my house recently. I am busy. I have a "crap ton" (according to some) of kids, a husband, a job and an endless to do list. Dinner was slagging lately, and we had been existing off of cereal and ramen. I saw something on TV about a website and app called Gathered Table (
*This is not a plug or sponsored post. This is just a I love it post, but if they want to sponsor me I will plug the poo out of them.* I went online and checked it out. They let you sample their site for a day to see if you like it. Of course I did, duh. That's why I'm telling you. This site has dozens of recipes you can choose from and make your own menus-or-my favorite part and the entire reason I signed up-they meal plan for you! Awesomesauce! You can also tailor the menu to your dietary needs. For instance, I chose Paleo as our meal preference since I am gluten free (thyroid issues, not to be trendy). You can also choose what days you want them to plan for. I chose Monday through Friday, we are on our own for the weekends. The best part is that they will also generate a grocery list for you. They make it so easy! So far the recipes have been extremely easy, quick and everyone has loved them. There were a few times I would see something on the menu and think "there is no way the kids will like this," and then they eat it all and ask for more. That is how I discovered that both #2 and #3 love KALE! Except, #2 insists it's actually called Kelp, but whatever. He eats it. I find it equally exciting that 90% of what I have made so far looks exactly like the picture. #nerd. Now, when you sign up for the program you do have to pay a fee, but I thought for what is provided to me it was worth it. We are no longing surviving off cereal and ramen alone.
This is the life changing kale/kelp recipe. |
On Saturday #2 had his first basketball game. He thinks he is quite the baller now and going straight to the NBA. Unfortunately for him he is my kid through and through. He has my natural grace and coordination, as well as my natural athletic ability. That was sarcasm-I have none of the above. So, there we were at the YMCA, ready for our first game. I had the pleasure of observing practice a few days prior. I knew how it was going to go down. All the little boys were adorable with their little sweat bands, basketball shoes, jerseys that were two sizes too big, and shorts that went past their knees. A-d-o-r-a-b-l-e. There are nine boys on the team and only five can play at a time so everyone was being rotated through. When it was #2's turn on the court he ran out, full of energy, then just stood there in the middle of the court. Just stood there. Watching everyone else run around, chewing on his fingers. Just stood there. The next time it was his turn he was more into it. He ran around with his teammates and participated. Then! Then! He got the ball. He was so excited. He attempted to run and dribble at the same time and quickly gave up on that. He can't dribble and run. He just held the ball under his arm like a foot ball and took off running. The wrong way. After some yelling and his coach turning him around he ran the right way. He got close to the basket, grabbed the ball, shot and.....totally missed. Completely. No where close. But he was so excited and proud of himself. The next thing I knew both teams were wrestling on the ground for the basketball. The referee was trying to break it up. The coaches finally had to step in and start lifting little boys off each other and figure out who should get the ball. It was definitely an entertaining 45 minutes. At this age, and I guess YMCA rules, they do not keep score, but if you ask #2, his team won. I'm pretty sure he is convinced he single handedly won the game for his team.
My little baller |
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