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Just a Boy and His Sandwich

My children have hated sandwiches since birth. I used to really let it bother me that they refused to eat sandwiches of any type, but over the years I adjusted and did not give it a second thought. When school started last August the Dudes got to start eating in the cafeteria. It is regular conversation for me to ask everyone what they ate for lunch that day when I pick them up. Imagine my surprise when #3 starts telling me daily that he ate "brown bag." Brown bag is a SANDWICH, chips, pickle and usually a fruit. A sandwich. Everyday. #3 was eating a sandwich at school every day, but still refusing to eat them at home.
Fast forward to Monday of this week. I am waiting in my usual spot after school and watching the Dudes run up the sidewalk towards me. #3 was walking slow and eating something. What? As he got closer I could see he was strolling up the sidewalk eating a sandwich. No joke. #3 climbs in the suburban and I ask him what he is eating. He gives me a big grin and says "A sandwich. I had it in my backpack." Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. He missed several days of school last week, and then there was the weekend, and today was his first day back. How long had that sandwich been in his backpack? I needed to investigate further. Cause, gross. So......a few questions later it was determined that it was out of his brown bag at lunch. He did not eat it at lunch, so he saved it in case he got hungry later. Smart kid. So, now he was hungry and eating his sandwich. Whew! It had not been sitting in his backpack for days!!
Not to be left out--the next day #2 came strolling up the sidewalk eating a sandwich he had saved from lunch.


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