Shrek and Donkey are eating baby food. I've really struggled to get into a routine with this. I'm not sure why. It should be easy for me since I'm not working an 8-5 this time around. But, I've really had a hard time. Over the past month it's been hit or miss with feeding the little guys. The past two weeks I have really buckled down and started feeding them baby food regularly. They.Love.It. We started out with cereal and progressed to vegetables. So far they have had sweet potatoes and squash. They LOVED the sweet potatoes. Donkey would shriek at me if I was not fast enough with the spoon. They enjoyed their squash, but it was not the same fervor that the sweet potatoes had. I've made them some carrots, but haven't fed them yet. Out of fear of turning my children orange with all the orange foods I've been feeding them I made some green beans today and fed to the boys. Love is not a word I would use to describe their reaction. They both kind of looked at me like I was feeding them arsenic. Diva hated green beans as well. After a couple of bites Shrek started eating his bib. Every time the spoon would get close he would shove his bib in his mouth. Donkey took the blubbering technique. When I would shove a bit in his mouth he would start blowing bubbles with it and let it all fall out. I'm not sure it they got any green beans in their bellies, but their highchairs, bibs, me and the dogs had a good taste of them.
Shrek |
Donkey |
too cute! Love the bibs