I grew up in small town America on the boarder of Texas and Oklahoma. It's about 3 (4 when traveling with children) hours from where we live now. I try to go and see my parents every few months. My parents still live in the same house they lived in when they picked me up when I was 2 (that's another story I'm working up to one of these days). It's a big, old house. Growing up it was surrounded by 2 giant oak trees and dozens of pecan trees. The trees have always been my very favorite part of this house (I love the oak trees so much that Mr. Mayer and I planted one in our front yard). The huge front porch is my second favorite thing. Now, I know it's silly to say that you are attached to a house. But, if I am being honest I am attached to this house. My entire growing up years were spent with this house. The years have passed and the trees have not weathered well. My parents have lost quiet a few of the pecan trees. Several years ago the big oak tree in the back yard died and had to be cut down. I remember when it happened and I felt like a part of my childhood was being cut down as well. I always felt reassured that the big oak tree in front was still standing.
Now, those of you (probably most of you) that are friends with Mr. Mayer and I on Facebook know what is coming next and have seen the picture.
I hadn't been to see my family in a few months so Mr. Mayer and I loaded up and went to see the family this weekend. Diva loves playing out in the front yard at my parents. This trip was no different. She went outside in the blazing heat to pick acorns. She was bringing me in her acorns to show off and ask if she could take them home. I kept telling her to find bigger ones to bring and show me. She was eager to comply. This carried on for about 30-45 minutes. She eventually got bored and came inside for good. She wanders down the hallway with my mom. Mr. Mayer and I are sitting in front of a big picture window over looking the front yard. We were playing with Shrek and Donkey and talking to my dad. All of a sudden there was a horrible cracking noise and then a crashing sound and the living room shook.
A gigantic branch off of the oak tree I love so much had just broken off and fell. It fell where Diva had been playing 5 minutes beforehand.
You always hear about those moments in life where everything stops or you see if flashing in front of you. It was clearly one of those moments.
Even know thinking about what could have been scares me to death. Diva is none the worse for wear. She doesn't have a clue. All she knows is that the front yard was too messy for her to go outside any more that day.
I believe there was definitely some divine intervention working. Why Diva chose that moment to come inside~ I don't know. I am very thankful she did. It took an hour for me to stop shaking and Diva telling me to stop hugging her. Even know thinking back on it brings tears to my eyes.
My Brother-in-Law/Uncle Fred came over that evening with a Bobcat and chainsaw. Mr. Mayer, Fred, Dad and I got it all clean up and loaded into a trailer. The next morning Diva and her cousin were back outside playing.
You can be sure I look at the tree differently now and the kids were not let outside without a few warnings and watchful eyes.
Now, those of you (probably most of you) that are friends with Mr. Mayer and I on Facebook know what is coming next and have seen the picture.
I hadn't been to see my family in a few months so Mr. Mayer and I loaded up and went to see the family this weekend. Diva loves playing out in the front yard at my parents. This trip was no different. She went outside in the blazing heat to pick acorns. She was bringing me in her acorns to show off and ask if she could take them home. I kept telling her to find bigger ones to bring and show me. She was eager to comply. This carried on for about 30-45 minutes. She eventually got bored and came inside for good. She wanders down the hallway with my mom. Mr. Mayer and I are sitting in front of a big picture window over looking the front yard. We were playing with Shrek and Donkey and talking to my dad. All of a sudden there was a horrible cracking noise and then a crashing sound and the living room shook.
A gigantic branch off of the oak tree I love so much had just broken off and fell. It fell where Diva had been playing 5 minutes beforehand.
You always hear about those moments in life where everything stops or you see if flashing in front of you. It was clearly one of those moments.
Even know thinking about what could have been scares me to death. Diva is none the worse for wear. She doesn't have a clue. All she knows is that the front yard was too messy for her to go outside any more that day.
I believe there was definitely some divine intervention working. Why Diva chose that moment to come inside~ I don't know. I am very thankful she did. It took an hour for me to stop shaking and Diva telling me to stop hugging her. Even know thinking back on it brings tears to my eyes.
My Brother-in-Law/Uncle Fred came over that evening with a Bobcat and chainsaw. Mr. Mayer, Fred, Dad and I got it all clean up and loaded into a trailer. The next morning Diva and her cousin were back outside playing.
You can be sure I look at the tree differently now and the kids were not let outside without a few warnings and watchful eyes.
oh wow.. i got goosebumps as i read, i can only imagine how traumatizing it was for you! glad she's ok!