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Well, the day has arrived. It's been 4 years in the making. This girl started school today. No, this isn't what she wore today. She went to a birthday party yesterday and there was a pirate and a parrot. She got to wear the parrot. It was very exciting.
I know this is going to shock everyone, but she wore this today.

I know. Please contain yourselves. She had a "glittery sweater" she was going to wear over it. The sweater never left the house.
We had a photo shoot before we left this morning. The kid is an i-Carly freak. She had to have the i-Carly back pack.

She has been very excited about this day. We've been talking about it forever. We went and met her teacher last week. She got to see her classroom and meet a few kids she would be in class with. We.were.ready.
I wasn't sure how I would do. I suspected I might cry. Mr. Mayer was pretty sure I would cry. We were up bright and early this morning. I had to force feed a banana to Diva to get her to eat anything. I'd love to say that was unusual, but alas, she hasn't been eating lately. Unless it's candy or cookies. I gave her the choice of taking her lunch or eating in the cafeteria. She picked taking her lunch. I made her lunch and packed it. I cut an apple for her afternoon snack at school. The boys were up early and we were all ready. We marched ourselves off to school. It's a really long 2 minute drive to the school. We barely buckled up and we were there. 
We unload and trek into the gym where all the kids meet. I'm very nervous for her. Not so much that she won't like school. I was worried about her making friends. I was worried sassy pants was going to be bossy and the other kids wouldn't like her. I want her to like school. I want her to have friends. I want her to be happy. I worry about her. 
We get to the gym:
Please ignore the crazy lady in the background who didn't know her picture was being taken!
The parents are able to wait in the gym with the kids~ today only. We were able to walk to the classroom with them and help them get settled. We get to the classroom and Diva picks her seat. Then, it happens. Her nerves get the best of her and she starts to get clingy and upset. She starts crying. I decide that Mr. Mayer and I are probably making the situation worse so we exit, quickly. 
All day I thought about her and wondered how she was doing. I was nervous for her all day. I could hardly wait until 2:30 came around so I could go and pick her up. 
I get there and she runs to me and shows me her hand where there is a green smiley face. She is so proud of herself. She is bouncing off the walls. She tells me that a green smiley face means she did good. I tell her how proud I am. She says she has a good day and made new friends. I ask her what her friends names were and she says "I don't remember what their names are." Maybe she'll figure it out tomorrow. I'm beyond relieved it went well today. And...I didn't shed a single tear all day. 


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