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Poopaggedon Part Deuce

There is something about my boys and poop. Click here for a refresher on our last experience with poo. Ugh...
As stated from my previous post TODAY I am having a rough week. My kids are not helping this.
Tonight was the normal chaotic routine that it always is. I had Shrek and Donkey in their high chairs eating their dinner while I made dinner for Diva, Mr. Mayer and I. Shrek and Donkey were through and getting cranky so I asked Mr. Mayer to get them out and start getting them dressed for bed. I had stripped them down to their diapers for dinner because Shrek someone doesn't like to wear his bib. It's easier to strip him than fight him.
Mr. Mayer had wiped the boys down and sat them in the floor. I had my back to the chaos trying to finish up dinner so we could eat as soon as we laid the boys down. All of a sudden I heard Mr. Mayer make a 4 letter exclamation. I turn around as Mr. Mayer is picking Donkey up out of the floor. I walk over and see this~
Yup, that's poop. Donkey had taken his diaper off and spread poo everywhere and was playing in it. Gross. 
I grab Shrek so that he does not try to play in the poo himself. We all know his history. We walk back to the bathroom where Mr. Mayer has started a bath for Donkey. Donkey is not happy about this. 
Don't you feel sorry for him. 
I put Shrek in his crib and grab some carpet cleaner so I can go and clean up the carnage. As I walk back into the living room this is what I see~
Looks a little different. Weird. I could have sworn there was poo in the floor not 2 minutes before this. These two little darlings were sitting in the floor smacking their lips.
Ugh, I think I threw up a little. I will not be kissing these faces anytime soon! They did a good job cleaning the floor. 
We feed Shrek and Donkey and whisk them away to bed. I finish dinner, we eat and start cleaning up the kitchen. We Santa gave Diva an Ipod for Christmas. She liked to play games on our phones and Ipads and thought she would enjoy it. She does, mostly, when she isn't losing the thing. Anywho...I'm getting off track. I share this next part because it was a good lesson for me and not something that will ever be repeated. 
Diva has her "phone" and has something pulled up on it she wants to show her Daddy. She tells him to watch the "people kissing each other." Mr. Mayer takes it and starts to watch and then brings it over to me to see. OMG! My 4 year old was watching porn on You Tube! It was two girls making out and taking each other's clothes off. Seriously. Is this really happening?! Mr. Mayer promptly turns off the video and sets a password so that Diva cannot get on You Tube. We had already taken off the Internet and put a bazillion blocks on the "phone" so that Diva could not look at anything inappropriate. Neither one of us though You Tube would be an issue. I didn't even know they could put that on You Tube.  Go ahead, make fun of me, but I didn't. Needless to say Diva was not happy that we took her funny video away. But, I feel better knowing my 4 year old is not watching porn. 


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